Why Is The Moon Blue?

Blue Moon In The Sky

Have you ever wondered why some people believe the Moon can appear blue? It’s a fascinating phenomenon that has sparked curiosity and intrigue throughout history. Despite what you may have heard, the Moon itself doesn’t actually turn blue. So, why …

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What Do Astronauts Do For Fun In Space?

Astronauts playing instruments on the international space station

Being in space, away from friends, family, and Earthly activities, must get pretty boring, right? Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are, on average, in space for six months or 182 days. The length of time spent aboard the …

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How Do Astronauts Wash Their Clothes?

Can Astronauts Wash Their Clothes In Space

Washing clothes is an everyday mundane task we do here on Earth. From soaking garments in water and slapping them against river rocks to simply tossing a load into the washer and leaving the machine to do the work, humans …

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Can Astronauts Cry In Space?

Can Astronauts Cry In Space?

Can astronauts cry in space? Do tears well in their eyes and trickle down their cheeks like it does on Earth? One question that’s asked often is how, if at all, do astronauts cry in space.      Have you …

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Can You See Earth From The Moon?

Astronaut with flag on the moon with Earth in the background

Astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Gene Cernan landed in the Taurus-Littrow highlands on the lunar surface on December 11, 1972. During the moon landing for the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan snapped a picture of Schmitt posing next to the American flag …

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Is Jupiter Bigger Than The Sun?

Is Jupiter Bigger Then The Sun

Jupiter, named after a Roman god who oversees all aspects of life, is the largest planet orbiting our star. The NASA “Juno” spacecraft currently monitors the gas giant, being only the second to study the planet after the Galileo spacecraft, …

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Why Is The Moon Orange?

The Moon showing an orange color

The Moon completes its orbit around the Earth every 29.5 days, shifting between four lunar phases as it completes its journey. Each of the Moons phases, from the new Moon to the full Moon, represents different points in its orbit …

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18 Fun Facts About Astronauts

Fun Facts About Astronauts

Life for an astronaut can be tough in outer space as even the most mundane tasks turn into challenges. Getting things done when your stuff dances weightlessly through the cosmos is certainly no ordinary thing. But, among all the chaos, …

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How Are Astronauts Protected From Radiation?

How Are Astronauts Protected From Radiation

On the Earth’s surface, the magnetic field protects us from the devastating effects of solar radiation produced by the sun. In space, astronauts don’t have the luxury of this invisible barrier. Radiation exposure is a serious concern for space travelers.  …

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